The EU FP7 Integrated Project EPOCA (European Project on OCean Acidification), supported by the European Union from 2008 to 2012, produced a selection of brochures about ocean acidification. In the project, more than 160 researchers from 32 institutes and 10 European countries worked closely together to advance our understanding of the biological, ecological, biogeochemical, and societal implications of ocean acidification.
The Reference User Group (RUG) was established to contribute high quality science directly to expert groups and committees, to feed information directly to policy-makers through government and intergovernmental committees, and to give clear information to the media with scientists knowledgeable in communication. The EPOCA RUG has proved a major success and has resulted in the creation of the International Ocean Acidification RUG which covers the needs of the four major European ocean acidification projects: EPOCA, BIOACID, UKOA and MedSeA.