Number of items: 621.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed
Büscher, J.,
Juva, K.,
Flögel, S.,
Wisshak, M.,
Rüggeberg, A. 
Riebesell, U. 
Form, A. U.
Water mass characteristics and hydrodynamics at an inshore versus an offshore mid-Norwegian cold-water coral reef habitat.

Frontiers in Marine Science, 11
Art.Nr. 1363542.
Taucher, J. 
Bach, L. T. 
Prowe, A. E. F. 
Boxhammer, T. 
Kvale, K. F. 
Riebesell, U. 
Enhanced silica export in a future ocean triggers global diatom decline.

Nature, 605
pp. 696-700.
Velthuis, M. 
Keuskamp, J. A.,
Bakker, E. S.,
Boersma, M. 
Sommer, U.,
Donk, E. and
Van de Waal, D. B. 
Differential effects of elevated p CO 2 and warming on marine phytoplankton stoichiometry.

Limnology and Oceanography, 67
pp. 598-607.
Osma, N.,
Vargas, C. A.,
Algueró-Muñíz, M.,
Bach, L. T.,
Gómez, M.,
Horn, H. G.,
Ludwig, A.,
Packard, T. T.,
Riebesell, U. 
Romero-Kutzner, V.,
Taucher, J. 
Fernández-Urruzola, I.
Ocean acidification induces distinct metabolic responses in subtropical zooplankton under oligotrophic conditions and after simulated upwelling.
Science of the Total Environment, 810
Art.Nr. 152252.
Coll-Lladó, C.,
Mittermayer, F. 
Webb, P. B.,
Allison, N.,
Clemmesen, C. 
Stiasny, M. 
Bridges, C. R.,
Göttler, G. and
Garcia de la serrana, D.
Pilot study to investigate the effect of long-term exposure to high pCO2 on adult cod (Gadus morhua) otolith morphology and calcium carbonate deposition.

Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 47
pp. 1879-1891.
Singh, A. 
Bach, L. T. 
Löscher, C. 
Paul, A. J. 
Ojha, N. 
Riebesell, U. 
Impact of increasing carbon dioxide on dinitrogen and carbon fixation rates under oligotrophic conditions and simulated upwelling.

Limnology and Oceanography, 66
pp. 2855-2867.
Taucher, J. 
Boxhammer, T. 
Bach, L. T. 
Paul, A. J. 
Schartau, M. 
Stange, P. and
Riebesell, U. 
Changing carbon-to-nitrogen ratios of organic-matter export under ocean acidification.
Nature Climate Change, 11
pp. 52-57.
Frommel, A.,
Hermann, B. T.,
Michael, K.,
Lucassen, M.,
Clemmesen, C. 
Hanel, R. and
Reusch, T. B. H. 
Differential gene expression patterns related to lipid metabolism in response to ocean acidification in larvae and juveniles of Atlantic cod.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology, 247
Art.Nr. 110740.
Schwichtenberg, F.,
Pätsch, J.,
Böttcher, M. E. 
Thomas, H. 
Winde, V. and
Emeis, K. C.
The impact of intertidal areas on the carbonate system of the southern North Sea.

Biogeosciences (BG), 17
pp. 4223-4245.
Mensch, B.,
Neulinger, S. C.,
Künzel, S.,
Wahl, M. 
Schmitz, R. A.
Warming, but Not Acidification, Restructures Epibacterial Communities of the Baltic Macroalga Fucus vesiculosus With Seasonal Variability.

Frontiers in Microbiology, 11
Art.Nr. 1471.
Tames-Espinosa, M.,
Martínez, I.,
Romero-Kutzner, V.,
Coca, J.,
Algueró-Muñiz, M.,
Horn, H. G.,
Ludwig, A.,
Taucher, J. 
Bach, L. 
Riebesell, U. 
Packard, T. T. and
Gómez, M.
Metabolic Responses of Subtropical Microplankton After a Simulated Deep-Water Upwelling Event Suggest a Possible Dominance of Mixotrophy Under Increasing CO2 Levels.

Frontiers in Marine Science, 7
Art.Nr. 307.
Wahl, M. 
Werner, F. J.,
Buchholz, B.,
Raddatz, S.,
Graiff, A. 
Matthiessen, B.,
Karsten, U.,
Hiebenthal, C. 
Hamer, J.,
Ito, M. 
Gülzow, E.,
Rilov, G. and
Guy-Haim, T. 
Season affects strength and direction of the interactive impacts of ocean warming and biotic stress in a coastal seaweed ecosystem.

Limnology and Oceanography, 65
pp. 807-827.
Wohlrab, S.,
John, U.,
Klemm, K.,
Eberlein, T.,
Forsberg Grivogiannis, A. M.,
Krock, B.,
Frickenhaus, S.,
Bach, L. T. 
Rost, B.,
Riebesell, U. 
Van de Waal, D. B.
Ocean acidification increases domoic acid contents during a spring to summer succession of coastal phytoplankton.
Harmful Algae, 92
Art.Nr. 101697.
Ragazzola, F. 
Caragnano, A. 
Basso, D.,
Schmidt, D. N.,
Fietzke, J. 
Coxall, H.
Establishing temperate crustose early Holocene coralline algae as archives for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of the shallow water habitats of the Mediterranean Sea.

Palaeontology, 63
pp. 155-170.
Mittermayer, F. H. 
Stiasny, M. H. 
Clemmesen, C. 
Bayer, T. 
Puvanendran, V.,
Chierici, M.,
Jentoft, S. and
Reusch, T. B. H. 
Transcriptome profiling reveals exposure to predicted end-of-century ocean acidification as a stealth stressor for Atlantic cod larvae.

Scientific Reports, 9
Art.Nr. 16908.
Esposito, M.,
Achterberg, E. P. 
Bach, L. T. 
Connelly, D. P.,
Riebesell, U. 
Taucher, J. 
Application of Stable Carbon Isotopes in a Subtropical North Atlantic MesocosmStudy: A New Approach to Assess CO2 Effects on the Marine Carbon Cycle.

Frontiers in Marine Science, 6
(Article number 616).
Büscher, J. V.,
Wisshak, M.,
Form, A. U.,
Titschack, J. 
Nachtigall, K. and
Riebesell, U. 
In situ growth and bioerosion rates of Lophelia pertusa in a Norwegian fjord and open shelf cold-water coral habitat.

PeerJ, 7
Bach, L. T. 
Stange, P.,
Taucher, J. 
Achterberg, E. P. 
Algueró‐Muñiz, M.,
Horn, H.,
Esposito, M. and
Riebesell, U. 
The influence of plankton community structure on sinking velocity and remineralization rate of marine aggregates.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 33
pp. 971-994.
Stiasny, M. H. 
Sswat, M. 
Mittermayer, F. H. 
Falk-Petersen, I. B.,
Schnell, N. K.,
Puvanendran, V.,
Mortensen, A.,
Reusch, T. B. H. 
Clemmesen, C. 
Divergent responses of Atlantic cod to ocean acidification and food limitation.

Global Change Biology, 25
pp. 839-849.
Algueró-Muñiz, M.,
Horn, H. G.,
Alvarez-Fernandez, S.,
Spisla, C.,
Aberle, N.,
Bach, L. T. 
Guan, W.,
Achterberg, E. P. 
Riebesell, U. 
Boersma, M.
Analyzing the Impacts of Elevated-CO2 Levels on the Development of a Subtropical Zooplankton Community During Oligotrophic Conditions and Simulated Upwelling.

Frontiers in Marine Science, 6
Nausch, M.,
Achterberg, E. P. 
Bach, L. T. 
Brussaard, C. P. D.,
Crawfurd, K. J.,
Fabian, J.,
Riebesell, U. 
Stuhr, A.,
Unger, J. and
Wannicke, N.
Concentrations and Uptake of Dissolved Organic Phosphorus Compounds in the Baltic Sea.

Frontiers in Marine Science, 5
Art.Nr. 386.
Riebesell, U. 
Aberle-Malzahn, N.,
Achterberg, E. P. 
Alguero-Muniz, M.,
Alvarez-Fernandez, S.,
Aristegui, J.,
Bach, L. T. 
Boersma, M. 
Boxhammer, T. 
Guan, W.,
Haunost, M.,
Horn, H. G.,
Löscher, C. R.,
Ludwig, A.,
Spisla, C.,
Sswat, M. 
Stange, P. and
Taucher, J. 
Toxic algal bloom induced by ocean acidification disrupts the pelagic food web.
Nature Climate Change, 8
pp. 1082-1086.
Taucher, J. 
Aristegui, J.,
Bach, L. T. 
Guan, W.,
Montero, M. F.,
Nauendorf, A.,
Achterberg, E. P. 
Riebesell, U. 
Response of subtropical phytoplankton communities to ocean acidification under oligotrophic conditions and during nutrient fertilization.

Frontiers in Marine Science, 5
Art.Nr. 330.
Pansch, C. 
Scotti, M. 
Barboza, F. R. 
Al-Janabi, B.,
Brakel, J.,
Briski, E. 
Buchholz, B.,
Franz, M. 
Ito, M. 
Paiva, F. 
Saha, M. 
Sawall, Y.,
Weinberger, F. 
Wahl, M. 
Heat waves and their significance for a temperate benthic community: A near-natural experimental approach.
Global Change Biology, 24
pp. 4357-4367.
Filella, A.,
Baños, I.,
Montero, M. F.,
Hernández-Hernández, N.,
Rodríguez-Santos, A.,
Ludwig, A.,
Riebesell, U. 
Arístegui, J.
Plankton Community Respiration and ETS Activity Under Variable CO2 and Nutrient Fertilization During a Mesocosm Study in the Subtropical North Atlantic.

Frontiers in Marine Science, 5
Art.Nr. 310.
Archer, S. D.,
Suffrian, K.,
Posman, K. M.,
Bach, L. T. 
Matrai, P. A.,
Countway, P. D.,
Ludwig, A. and
Riebesell, U. 
Processes That Contribute to Decreased Dimethyl Sulfide Production in Response to Ocean Acidification in Subtropical Waters.

Frontiers in Marine Science, 5
Art.Nr. 245.
Alvarez-Fernandez, S.,
Bach, L. T. 
Taucher, J. 
Riebesell, U. 
Sommer, U.,
Aberle, N.,
Brussaard, C. P. D. and
Boersma, M.
Plankton responses to ocean acidification: The role of nutrient limitation.
Progress in Oceanography, 165
pp. 11-18.
Hernández-Hernández, N.,
Bach, L. T. 
Montero, M. F.,
Taucher, J. 
Baños, I.,
Guan, W.,
Esposito, M.,
Ludwig, A.,
Achterberg, E. P. 
Riebesell, U. 
Arístegui, J.
High CO2 Under Nutrient Fertilization Increases Primary Production and Biomass in Subtropical Phytoplankton Communities: A Mesocosm Approach.

Frontiers in Marine Science, 5
Art.Nr. 213.
Zhang, Y.,
Bach, L. T. 
Lohbeck, K. T.,
Schulz, K. G.,
Listmann, L. 
Klapper, R. and
Riebesell, U. 
Population-specific responses in physiological rates of Emiliania huxleyi to a broad CO2 range.

Biogeosciences (BG), 15
pp. 3691-3701.
Taucher, J. 
Stange, P.,
Alguero-Muniz, M.,
Bach, L. T. 
Nauendorf, A.,
Kolzenburg, R.,
Büdenbender, J. and
Riebesell, U. 
In situ camera observations reveal major role of zooplankton in modulating marine snow formation during an upwelling-induced plankton bloom.
Progress in Oceanography, 164
pp. 75-88.
Stiasny, M. H. 
Mittermayer, F. 
Göttler, G.,
Bridges, C. R.,
Falk-Petersen, I. B.,
Puvanendran, V.,
Mortensen, A.,
Reusch, T. B. H. 
Clemmesen, C. 
Effects of parental acclimation and energy limitation in response to high CO2 exposure in Atlantic cod.

Scientific Reports, 8
Art.Nr. 8348.
Boxhammer, T. 
Taucher, J. 
Bach, L. T. 
Achterberg, E. P. 
Algueró-Muñiz, M.,
Bellworthy, J.,
Czerny, J.,
Esposito, M.,
Haunost, M.,
Hellemann, D.,
Ludwig, A.,
Yong, J. C.,
Zark, M.,
Riebesell, U. 
Anderson, L. G.
Enhanced transfer of organic matter to higher trophic levels caused by ocean acidification and its implications for export production: A mass balance approach.

PLoS ONE, 13
Stange, P.,
Taucher, J. 
Bach, L. T. 
Algueró-Muñiz, M.,
Horn, H. G.,
Krebs, L.,
Boxhammer, T. 
Nauendorf, A. K. and
Riebesell, U. 
Ocean Acidification-Induced Restructuring of the Plankton Food Web Can Influence the Degradation of Sinking Particles.

Frontiers in Marine Science, 5
Art.Nr. 140.
Sswat, M. 
Stiasny, M. H. 
Taucher, J. 
Algueró-Muñiz, M.,
Bach, L. T. 
Jutfelt, F.,
Riebesell, U. 
Clemmesen, C. 
Food web changes under ocean acidification promote herring larvae survival.
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2
pp. 836-840.
Sswat, M. 
Stiasny, M. H. 
Jutfelt, F.,
Riebesell, U. 
Clemmesen, C. 
Growth performance and survival of larval Atlantic herring, under the combined effects of elevated temperatures and CO2.

PLoS ONE, 13
Zark, M.,
Broda, N. K.,
Hornick, T.,
Grossart, H. P.,
Riebesell, U. 
Dittmar, T.
Ocean Acidification Experiments in Large-Scale Mesocosms Reveal Similar Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Matter Production and Biotransformation.

Frontiers in Marine Science, 4
Art.Nr. 271.
Taubner, I.,
Böhm, F.,
Eisenhauer, A. 
Tambutté, E.,
Tambutté, S.,
Moldzio, S. and
Bleich, M.
An improved approach investigating epithelial ion transport in scleractinian corals.

Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 15
pp. 753-765.
Stapp, L. S.,
Thomsen, J.,
Schade, H.,
Bock, C.,
Melzner, F. 
Pörtner, H. O. and
Lannig, G.
Intra-population variability of ocean acidification impacts on the physiology of Baltic blue mussels (Mytilus edulis): integrating tissue and organism response.
Journal of Comparative Physiology B - Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology, 187
pp. 529-543.
Langer, J. A. F.,
Sharma, R.,
Schmidt, S. I.,
Bahrdt, S.,
Horn, H. G.,
Alguero-Muniz, M.,
Nam, B.,
Achterberg, E. P. 
Riebesell, U. 
Boersma, M.,
Thines, M. and
Schwenk, K.
Community barcoding reveals little effect of ocean acidification on the composition of coastal plankton communities: evidence from a long-term mesocosm study in the Gullmar Fjord, Skagerrak.

PLoS ONE, 12
Thomsen, J.,
Stapp, L. S.,
Haynert, K.,
Schade, H.,
Danelli, M.,
Lannig, G.,
Wegner, K. M. and
Melzner, F. 
Naturally acidified habitat selects for ocean acidification–tolerant mussels.

Science Advances, 3
Alguero-Muniz, M.,
Alvarez-Fernandez, S.,
Thor, P.,
Bach, L. T. 
Esposito, M.,
Horn, H. G.,
Ecker, U.,
Langer, J. A. F.,
Taucher, J. 
Malzahn, A. M.,
Riebesell, U. 
Boersma, M.
Ocean acidification effects on mesozooplankton community development: Results from a long-term mesocosm experiment.

PLoS ONE, 12
Taucher, J. 
Bach, L. T. 
Boxhammer, T. 
Nauendorf, A.,
Achterberg, E. P. 
Algueró-Muñiz, M.,
Arístegui, J.,
Czerny, J.,
Esposito, M.,
Guan, W.,
Haunost, M.,
Horn, H. G.,
Ludwig, A.,
Meyer, J.,
Spisla, C.,
Sswat, M. 
Stange, P. and
Riebesell, U. 
and The Gran Canaria KOSMOS Consortium
Influence of Ocean Acidification and Deep Water Upwelling on Oligotrophic Plankton Communities in the Subtropical North Atlantic: Insights from an In situ Mesocosm Study.

Frontiers in Marine Science, 4
Art.Nr. 85.
Tanhua, T. 
Hoppema, M.,
Jones, E. M.,
Stöven, T. 
Hauck, J.,
Davila, M. G.,
Santana-Casiano, M.,
Alvarez, M. and
Strass, V. H.
Temporal changes in ventilation and the carbonate system in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 138
pp. 26-38.
Schartau, M. 
Wallhead, P.,
Hemmings, J.,
Löptien, U. 
Kriest, I. 
Krishna, S.,
Ward, B. A.,
Slawig, T. and
Oschlies, A. 
Reviews and syntheses: Parameter identification in marine planktonic ecosystem modelling.

Biogeosciences (BG), 14
pp. 1647-1701.
Schulz, K. G.,
Bach, L. T. 
Bellerby, R. G. J.,
Bermudez, R.,
Büdenbender, J.,
Boxhammer, T. 
Czerny, J.,
Engel, A. 
Ludwig, A.,
Meyerhöfer, M.,
Larsen, A.,
Paul, A. J.,
Sswat, M. 
Riebesell, U. 
Phytoplankton Blooms at Increasing Levels of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide: Experimental Evidence for Negative Effects on Prymnesiophytes and Positive on Small Picoeukaryotes.

Frontiers in Marine Science, 4
Art.Nr. 64.
Eberlein, T.,
Wohlrab, S.,
Rost, B.,
John, U.,
Bach, L. T. 
Riebesell, U. 
Van de Waal, D. B.
Effects of ocean acidification on primary production in a coastal North Sea phytoplankton community.

PLoS ONE, 12
Taucher, J. 
Haunost, M.,
Boxhammer, T. 
Bach, L. T. 
Algueró-Muñiz, M. and
Riebesell, U. 
Influence of ocean acidification on plankton community structure during a winter-to-summer succession: An imaging approach indicates that copepods can benefit from elevated CO2 via indirect food web effects.

PLoS ONE, 12
Stange, P.,
Bach, L. T. 
Le Moigne, F. A. C. 
Taucher, J. 
Boxhammer, T. 
Riebesell, U. 
Quantifying the time lag between organic matter production and export in the surface ocean: Implications for estimates of export efficiency.

Geophysical Research Letters, 44
pp. 268-276.
Hornick, T.,
Bach, L. T. 
Crawfurd, K. J.,
Spilling, K.,
Achterberg, E. P. 
Woodhouse, J. N.,
Schulz, K. G.,
Brussaard, C. P. D.,
Riebesell, U. 
Grossart, H. P.
Ocean acidification impacts bacteria–phytoplankton coupling at low-nutrient conditions.

Biogeosciences (BG), 14
pp. 1-15.
Riebesell, U. 
Bach, L. T. 
Bellerby, R. G. J.,
Bermudez Monsalve, J. R.,
Boxhammer, T. 
Czerny, J.,
Larsen, A.,
Ludwig, A. and
Schulz, K. G.
Competitive fitness of a predominant pelagic calcifier impaired by ocean acidification.
Nature Geoscience, 10
pp. 19-23.
Bermudez, J. R.,
Winder, M.,
Stuhr, A.,
Almen, A. K.,
Engström-Öst, J. and
Riebesell, U. 
Effect of ocean acidification on the structure and fatty acid composition of a natural plankton community in the Baltic Sea.

Biogeosciences (BG), 13
pp. 6625-6635.
Bergen, B.,
Endres, S. 
Engel, A. 
Zark, M.,
Dittmar, T.,
Sommer, U. and
Jürgens, K.
Acidification and warming affect prominent bacteria in two seasonal phytoplankton bloom mesocosms.
Environmental Microbiology, 18
pp. 4579-4595.
Koenigstein, S.,
Mark, F. C.,
Gößling-Reisemann, S.,
Reuter, H. and
Pörtner, H. O.
Modelling climate change impacts on marine fish populations: process-based integration of ocean warming, acidification and other environmental drivers.
Fish and Fisheries, 17
pp. 972-1004.
Horn, H. G.,
Sander, N.,
Stuhr, A.,
Alguero-Muniz, M.,
Bach, L. T. 
Löder, M. G. J.,
Boersma, M.,
Riebesell, U. 
Aberle, N.
Low CO2 Sensitivity of Microzooplankton Communities in the Gullmar Fjord, Skagerrak: Evidence from a Long-Term Mesocosm Study.

PLoS ONE, 11
Vehmaa, A.,
Almen, A. K.,
Brutemark, A.,
Paul, A. J.,
Riebesell, U. 
Furuhagen, S. and
Engström-Öst, J.
Ocean acidification challenges copepod phenotypic plasticity.

Biogeosciences (BG), 13
pp. 6171-6182.
Spilling, K.,
Schulz, K. G.,
Paul, A. J.,
Boxhammer, T. 
Achterberg, E. P. 
Hornick, T.,
Lischka, S. 
Stuhr, A.,
Bermudez, R.,
Czerny, J.,
Crawfurd, K.,
Brussaard, C. P. D.,
Grossart, H. P. and
Riebesell, U. 
Effects of ocean acidification on pelagic carbon fluxes in a mesocosm experiment.

Biogeosciences (BG), 13
pp. 6081-6093.
Stiasny, M. 
Mittermayer, F. 
Sswat, M. 
Voss, R.,
Jutfelt, F.,
Chierici, M.,
Puvanendran, V.,
Mortensen, A.,
Reusch, T. B. H. 
Clemmesen, C. 
Ocean Acidification Effects on Atlantic Cod Larval Survival and Recruitment to the Fished Population.

PLoS ONE, 11
Spilling, K.,
Paul, A. J.,
Virkkala, N.,
Hastings, T.,
Lischka, S. 
Stuhr, A.,
Bermudez, R.,
Czerny, J.,
Boxhammer, T. 
Schulz, K. G.,
Ludwig, A. and
Riebesell, U. 
Ocean acidification decreases plankton respiration: evidence from a mesocosm experiment.

Biogeosciences (BG), 13
pp. 4707-4719.
Alguero-Muniz, M.,
Meunier, C. L.,
Holst, S.,
Alvarez-Fernandez, S. and
Boersma, M.
Withstanding multiple stressors: ephyrae of the moon jellyfish (Aurelia aurita, Scyphozoa) in a high-temperature, high-CO2 and low-oxygen environment.
Marine Biology, 163
Bach, L. T. 
Taucher, J. 
Boxhammer, T. 
Ludwig, A.,
Achterberg, E. P. 
Algueró-Muñiz, M.,
Anderson, L. G.,
Bellworthy, J.,
Büdenbender, J.,
Czerny, J.,
Ericson, Y.,
Esposito, M.,
Fischer, M.,
Haunost, M.,
Hellemann, D.,
Horn, H. G.,
Hornick, T.,
Meyer, J.,
Sswat, M. 
Zark, M. and
Riebesell, U. 
and The Kristineberg KOSMOS Consortium
Influence of Ocean Acidification on a Natural Winter-to-Summer Plankton Succession: First Insights from a Long-Term Mesocosm Study Draw Attention to Periods of Low Nutrient Concentrations.

PLoS ONE, 11
Webb, A. L.,
Leedham-Elvidge, E.,
Hughes, C.,
Hopkins, F. E.,
Malin, G.,
Bach, L. T. 
Schulz, K.,
Crawfurd, K.,
Brussaard, C. P. D.,
Stuhr, A.,
Riebesell, U. 
Liss, P. S.
Effect of ocean acidification and elevated fCO2 on trace gas production by a Baltic Sea summer phytoplankton community.

Biogeosciences (BG), 13
pp. 4595-4613.
Thomsen, J.,
Himmerkus, N.,
Holland, N.,
Sartoris, F. J.,
Bleich, M. and
Tresguerres, M.
Ammonia excretion in mytilid mussels is facilitated by ciliary beating.
The Journal of Experimental Biology, 219
pp. 2300-2310.
Bach, L. T. 
Boxhammer, T. 
Larsen, A.,
Hildebrandt, N.,
Schulz, K. G. and
Riebesell, U. 
Influence of plankton community structure on the sinking velocity of marine aggregates.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30
pp. 1145-1165.
Monteiro, F. M.,
Bach, L. T. 
Brownlee, C.,
Bown, P.,
Rickaby, R. E. M.,
Poulton, A. J.,
Tyrrell, T.,
Beaufort, L.,
Dutkiewicz, S.,
Gibbs, S.,
Gutowska, M. A.,
Lee, R.,
Riebesell, U. 
Young, J. and
Ridgwell, A.
Why marine phytoplankton calcify.

Science Advances, 2
Lebrato, M.,
Andersson, A. J.,
Ries, J. B.,
Aronson, R. B.,
Lamare, M. D.,
Koeve, W. 
Oschlies, A. 
Iglesias-Rodriguez, M. D.,
Thatje, S.,
Amsler, M.,
Vos, S. C.,
Jones, D. O. B.,
Ruhl, H. A.,
Gates, A. R. and
McClintock, J. B.
Benthic marine calcifiers coexist with CaCO3-undersaturated seawater worldwide.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30
pp. 1038-1053.
Paul, A. J.,
Achterberg, E. P. 
Bach, L. T. 
Boxhammer, T. 
Czerny, J.,
Haunost, M.,
Schulz, K. G.,
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Nausch, M.
Response of Nodularia spumigena to pCO2 - Part 3: Turnover of phosphorus compounds.

Biogeosciences (BG), 10
pp. 1483-1499.
Duteil, O. 
Koeve, W. 
Oschlies, A. 
Aumont, O.,
Bianchi, D.,
Bopp, L.,
Galbraith, E.,
Matear, R.,
Moore, J. K.,
Sarmiento, J. L. and
Segschneider, J.
Preformed and regenerated phosphate in ocean general circulation models: can right total concentrations be wrong?.

Biogeosciences (BG), 9
pp. 1797-1807.
Parker, L. M.,
Ross, P. M.,
O'Connor, W. A.,
Borysko, L.,
Raftos, D. A. and
Pörtner, H. O.
Adult exposure influences offspring response to ocean acidification in oysters.
Global Change Biology, 18
pp. 82-92.
Glock, N.,
Eisenhauer, A. 
Liebetrau, V.,
Wiedenbeck , M.,
Hensen, C. 
Nehrke, G.
EMP and SIMS studies on Mn/Ca and Fe/Ca systematics in benthic foraminifera from the Peruvian OMZ: a contribution to the identification of potential redox proxies and the impact of cleaning protocols.

Biogeosciences (BG), 9
pp. 341-359.
Heinemann, A.,
Fietzke, J. 
Melzner, F.,
Böhm, F.,
Thomsen, J.,
Garbe-Schönberg, D. and
Eisenhauer, A. 
Conditions of Mytilus edulis extracellular body fluids and shell composition in a pH-treatment experiment: Acid-base status, trace elements and delta B-11.

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13
Appelhans, Y.,
Thomsen, J.,
Pansch, C. 
Melzner, F. and
Wahl, M. 
Sour times: seawater acidification effects on growth, feeding behaviour and acid–base status of Asterias rubens and Carcinus maenas.

Marine Ecology Progress Series, 459
pp. 85-98.
Bach, L. T. 
Riebesell, U. 
Sett, S.,
Febiri, S.,
Rzepka, P. and
Schulz, K. G.
An approach for particle sinking velocity measurements in the 3–400 μm size range and considerations on the effect of temperature on sinking rates.

Marine Biology, 159
pp. 1853-1864.
Frommel, A.,
Maneja, R.,
Lowe, D.,
Malzahn, A.,
Geffen, A. J.,
Folkvord, A.,
Piatkowski, U. 
Reusch, T. B. H. 
Clemmesen, C. 
Severe tissue damage in Atlantic cod larvae under increasing ocean acidification.
Nature Climate Change, 2
pp. 42-46.
Gao, K.,
Xu, J.,
Gao, G.,
Li, Y.,
Hutchins, D. A.,
Huang, B.,
Wang, L.,
Zheng, Y.,
Jin, P.,
Cai, X.,
Häder, D. P.,
Li, W.,
Xu, K.,
Liu, N. and
Riebesell, U. 
Rising CO2 and increased light exposure synergistically reduce marine primary productivity.
Nature Climate Change, 2
pp. 519-523.
Gilbert, J. A.,
Glas, M. S.,
Fabricius, K. E.,
de Beer, D. and
Uthicke, S.
The O2, pH and Ca2+ Microenvironment of Benthic Foraminifera in a High CO2 World.

Hahn, S.,
Rodolfo-Metalpa, R.,
Griesshaber, E.,
Schmahl, W. W.,
Buhl, D.,
Hall-Spencer, J. M.,
Baggini, C.,
Fehr, K. T. and
Immenhauser, A.
Marine bivalve shell geochemistry and ultrastructure from modern low pH environments: environmental effect versus experimental bias.

Biogeosciences (BG), 9
pp. 1897-1914.
Hauck, J.,
Gerdes, D.,
Hillenbrand, C. D.,
Hoppema, M.,
Kuhn, G.,
Nehrke, G.,
Völker, C. and
Wolf-Gladrow, D. A.
Distribution and mineralogy of carbonate sediments on Antarctic shelves.
Journal of Marine Systems, 90
pp. 77-87.
Kirchman, D. L.,
Krause, E.,
Wichels, A.,
Giménez, L.,
Lunau, M.,
Schilhabel, M. B. and
Gerdts, G.
Small Changes in pH Have Direct Effects on Marine Bacterial Community Composition: A Microcosm Approach.

Krause, E.,
Wichels, A.,
Giménez, L.,
Lunau, M.,
Schilhabel, M. B. and
Gerdts, G.
Small Changes in pH Have Direct Effects on Marine Bacterial Community Composition: A Microcosm Approach.

Lommer, M.,
Specht, M.,
Roy, A. S.,
Kraemer, L.,
Andreson, R.,
Gutowska, M.,
Wolf, J.,
Bergner, S. V.,
Schilhabel, M. B.,
Klostermeier, U. C.,
Beiko, R. G.,
Rosenstiel, P.,
Hippler, M. and
LaRoche, J.
Genome and low-iron response of an oceanic diatom adapted to chronic iron limitation.

Genome Biology, 13
Müller, M. N.,
Beaufort, L.,
Bernard, O.,
Pedrotti, M. L.,
Talec, A. and
Sciandra, A.
Influence of CO2 and nitrogen limitation on the coccolith volume of Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyta).

Biogeosciences (BG), 9
pp. 4155-4167.
Ragazzola, F.,
Foster, L. C.,
Form, A.,
Anderson, P. S. L.,
Hansteen, T. H. 
Fietzke, J. 
Ocean acidification weakens the structural integrity of coralline algae.
Global Change Biology, 18
pp. 2804-2812.
Rao, A. M. F.,
Polerecky, L.,
Ionescu, D.,
Meysman, F. J. R. and
de Beer, D.
The influence of pore-water advection, benthic photosynthesis, and respiration on calcium carbonate dynamics in reef sands.
Limnology and Oceanography, 57
pp. 809-825.
Sarker, Y.,
Bartsch, I.,
Olischläger, M.,
Gutow, L. and
Wiencke, C.
Combined effects of CO2, temperature, irradiance and time on the physiological performance of Chondrus chrispus (Rhodophyta).
Botanica Marina, 56
pp. 63-74.
Schmidt, G. M.,
Phongsuwan, N.,
Jantzen, C.,
Roder, C.,
Khokiattiwong, S. and
Richter, C.
Coral community composition and reef development at the Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, in response to strong environmental variations.

Marine Ecology Progress Series, 456
pp. 113-126.
Stumpp, M.,
Hu, M. Y. A.,
Melzner, F. 
Gutowska, M.,
Dorey, N.,
Himmerkus, N.,
Holtmann, W. C.,
Dupont, S. T.,
Thorndyke, M. C. and
Bleich, M.
Acidified seawater impacts sea urchin larvae pH regulatory systems relevant for calcification.
PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109
pp. 18192-18197.
Wannicke, N.,
Endres, S. 
Engel, A. 
Grossart, H. P.,
Nausch, M.,
Unger, J. and
Voss, M.
Response of Nodularia spumigena to pCO2 – Part 1: Growth, production and nitrogen cycling.

Biogeosciences (BG), 9
pp. 2973-2988.
Mackinder, L.,
Wheeler, G.,
Schroeder, D.,
von Dassow, P.,
Riebesell, U. 
Brownlee, C.
Expression of biomineralization-related ion transport genes in Emiliania huxleyi.
Environmental Microbiology, 13
pp. 3250-3265.
Fabricius, K. E.,
Langdon, C.,
Uthicke, S.,
Humphrey, C.,
Noonan, S.,
De’ath, G.,
Okazaki, R.,
Muehllehner, N.,
Glas, M. S. and
Lough, J. M.
Losers and winners in coral reefs acclimatized to elevated carbon dioxide concentrations.
Nature Climate Change, 1
pp. 165-169.
Heinemann, A.,
Hiebenthal, C. 
Fietzke, J. 
Eisenhauer, A. 
Wahl, M. 
Disentangling the Biological and Environmental Control of M. edulis Shell Chemistry.

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 12
Hu, M. Y. A.,
Tseng, Y. C.,
Lin, L. Y.,
Chen, P. Y.,
Charmantier-Daures, M.,
Hwang, P. P. and
Melzner, F. 
New insights into ion regulation of cephalopod molluscs: a role of epidermal ionocytes in acid-base regulation during embryogenesis.

American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 301
Hu, M. Y. A.,
Tseng, Y. C.,
Stumpp, M.,
Gutowska, M.,
Kiko, R. 
Lucassen, M. and
Melzner, F.
Elevated seawater pCO2 differentially affects branchial acid-base transporters over the course of development in the cephalopod Sepia officinalis .
American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 300
pp. 1100-1114.
Krause-Nehring, J.,
Klügel, A.,
Nehrke, G.,
Brellochs, B. and
Brey, T.
Impact of sample pretreatment on the measured element concentrations in the bivalveArctica islandica.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 12
Melzner, F. 
Stange, P.,
Trübenbach, K.,
Thomsen, J.,
Casties, I.,
Panknin, U.,
Gorb, S. N. and
Gutowska, M. A.
Food Supply and Seawater pCO2 Impact Calcification and Internal Shell Dissolution in the Blue Mussel Mytilus edulis.

Specht, M.,
Stanke, M.,
Terashima, M.,
Naumann-Busch, B.,
Janßen, I.,
Höhner, R.,
Hom, E. F. Y.,
Liang, C. and
Hippler, M.
Concerted action of the new Genomic Peptide Finder and AUGUSTUS allows for automated proteogenomic annotation of the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii genome.
pp. 1814-1823.
Fietzke, J. 
Heinemann, A.,
Taubner, I.,
Böhm, F.,
Erez, J. and
Eisenhauer, A. 
Boron isotope ratio determination in carbonates /via/ LA-MC-ICP-MS using soda-lime glass standards as reference material .
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 25
pp. 1953-1957.
Gutowska, M.,
Melzner, F. 
Langenbuch, M.,
Bock, C.,
Claireaux, G. and
Pörtner, H. O.
Acid–base regulatory ability of the cephalopod (Sepia officinalis) in response to environmental hypercapnia.
Journal of Comparative Physiology B - Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology, 180
pp. 323-335.
Hu, M. Y. A.,
Sucré, E.,
Charmantier-Daures, M.,
Charmantier, G.,
Lucassen, M.,
Himmerkus, N. and
Melzner, F. 
Localization of ion-regulatory epithelia in embryos and hatchlings of two cephalopods.
Cell and Tissue Research, 339
pp. 571-583.
Lannig, G.,
Eilers, S.,
Pörtner, H. O.,
Sokolova, I. M. and
Bock, C.
Impact of Ocean Acidification on Energy Metabolism of Oyster, Crassostrea gigas—Changes in Metabolic Pathways and Thermal Response.

Marine Drugs, 8
pp. 2318-2339.
Lommer, M.,
Roy, A. S.,
Schilhabel, M.,
Schreiber, S.,
Rosenstiel, P. and
LaRoche, J.
Recent transfer of an iron-regulated gene from the plastid to the nuclear genome in an oceanic diatom adapted to chronic iron limitation.

BMC Genomics, 11
p. 718.
Thomsen, J.,
Gutowska, M.,
Saphörster, J.,
Heinemann, A.,
Trübenbach, K.,
Fietzke, J. 
Hiebenthal, C. 
Eisenhauer, A. 
Körtzinger, A. 
Wahl, M. 
Melzner, F. 
Calcifying invertebrates succeed in a naturally CO2 enriched coastal habitat but are threatened by high levels of future acidification.

Biogeosciences (BG), 7
pp. 3879-3891.
Melzner, F. 
Gutowska, M. A.,
Langenbuch, M.,
Dupont, S.,
Lucassen, M.,
Thorndyke, M. C.,
Bleich, M. and
Pörtner, H. O.
Physiological basis for high CO2 tolerance in marine ectothermic animals: pre-adaptation through lifestyle and ontogeny?.

Biogeosciences (BG), 6
pp. 2313-2331.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review
Book chapters
Böttcher, M. E.,
Lipka, M.,
Winde, V.,
Dellwig, O.,
Böttcher, E. O.,
Böttcher, T. M. C. and
Schmiedinger, I.
Multi-isotope composition of freshwater sources for the southern North and Baltic Sea.
In: SWIM 2014
23rd Salt Water Intrusion Meeting
Programme and Proceedings.
Leibniz-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik, Hannover, Germany, pp. 46-49.
ISBN 978-3-00-046061-6
Winde, V.,
Escher, P.,
Schneider, B.,
Böning, P.,
Al-Raei, A. M.,
Liebezeit, G. and
Böttcher, M. E.
Carbon isotopes in DIC trace submarine groundwater discharge and advective pore water efflux in tidal areas of the southern North Sea.
In: SWIM 2014
23rd Salt Water Intrusion Meeting
Programme and Proceedings.
Leibniz-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik, Hannover, Germany, pp. 42-45.
ISBN 978-3-00-046061-6
Brander, L. M.,
Hattam, C. and
Rehdanz, K.
Impacts on ecosystem services, livelihoods and biogeochemical cycles.

In: An updated synthesis of the impacts of ocean acidification on marine biodiversity.
, ed. by
Hennige, S.,
Roberts, M. and
Williamson, P..
Montreal Technical Series, 75
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, Canada, pp. 62-70.
ISBN 92-9225-527-4
Brander, L. M.,
Narita, D.,
Rehdanz, K. and
Tol, R. S. J.
The Economic Impacts of Ocean Acidification.
In: Handbook on the Economics of Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity.
, ed. by
Nunes, P. N. L. D.,
Kumar, P. and
Dedeurwaerdere, T..
Edward Elgar (EE), Cheltenham, UK, pp. 78-92.
ISBN 978-1-78195-150-7
Gehlen, M.,
Gruber, N.,
Gangsto, R.,
Bopp, L. and
Oschlies, A. 
Biogeochemical consequences of ocean acidification and feedbacks to the earth system.
In: Ocean Acidification.
, ed. by
Gattuso, J. P. and
Hansson, L..
Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 230-248.
ISBN 978-0-19-959109-1
Pörtner, H. O.,
Gutowska, M.,
Ishimatsu, A.,
Lucassen, A.,
Melzner, F. 
Seibel, B.
Effects of ocean acidification on nektonic organisms.
In: Ocean Acidification.
, ed. by
Gattuso, J. P. and
Hansson, L..
Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K, pp. 154-175.
Riebesell, U. 
Disconcertingly unique - the Anthropocene.
In: The Ocean Is Our Future : Kiel Marine Scientists On a Time Trip To 2100.
Cluster of Excellence "The Future Ocean", Kiel, Germany, pp. 48-53.
ISBN 978-3-00-036928-5
Riebesell, U. 
Schulz, K.
Auswirkungen der Ozeanversauerung auf marine Lebensprozesse.

In: Warnsignal Klima: Die Meeres – Änderungen und Risiken.
, ed. by
Lozan, J. L.,
Graßl, H.,
Karbe, L. and
Reise, K..
Buchreihe "Warnsignale"
Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 172-176.
Pörtner, H. O.,
Bickmeyer, U.,
Bleich, M.,
Bock, C.,
Brownlee, C.,
Melzner, F. 
Michaelidis, B.,
Sartoris, F. J. and
Storch, D.
Studies of acid-base status and regulation.
In: Guide to best practices for ocean acidification research and data reporting.
; Chapter 9
, ed. by
Riebesell, U.,
Fabry, V. J.,
Hansson, L. and
Gattuso, J. P..
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, pp. 137-166.
Pörtner, H. O.,
Dickson, A. and
Gattuso, J. P.
Terminology and units for parameters relevant to the carbonate system.
In: Guide to best practices for ocean acidification research and data reporting.
; Chapter 10
, ed. by
Riebesell, U.,
Fabry, V. J.,
Hansson, L. and
Gattuso, J. P..
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, pp. 167-180.
Pörtner, H. O.,
Dupont, S.,
Melzner, F. 
Storch, D. and
Thorndyke, M.
Studies of metabolic rate and other characters across life stages.
In: Guide to best practices for ocean acidification research and data reporting.
; Chapter 10
, ed. by
Riebesell, U.,
Fabry, V. J.,
Hansson, L. and
Gattuso, J. P..
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, pp. 167-180.
Conference papers
Hassenrück, C.,
Fink, A.,
Tegetmeyer, H.,
Hofmann, L.,
Lichtschlag, A.,
Ramette, A. and
de Beer, D.
Microbial processes in the sediment at a shallow-water hydrothermal vent in a tropical coral reef.
In: 13. International Coral Reef Symposium. , 19.-24.06.2016, Honululu, Hawaii, USA .
Lannig, G.,
Schalkhausser, B.,
Pörtner, H. O. and
Bock, C.
Higher sensitivity to ocean warming and acidification in boreal than temperate great scallop, Pecten maximus.
In: 4. International Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World. , 03.-06.05.2016, Hobart, Tasmania .
Stapp, L. S.,
Parker, L. M.,
O'Connor, W. A.,
Bock, C.,
Ross, P. M.,
Pörtner, H. O. and
Lannig, G.
Different sensitivities to ocean acidification between populations of the Sydney Rock Oyster: Role of filtration and ion-regulatory capacities.
In: 4. International Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World. , 03.-06.05.2016, Hobart, Tasmania .
Stiasny, M. 
Hänsel, M.,
Clemmesen, C. 
Dahlke, F.,
Mittermayer, F. 
Quaas, M.,
Reusch, T. B. H. 
Storch, D. and
Voss, R.
Socio-economic impacts of ocean acidification and warming on Barents Sea Cod.
In: BIOACID Jahrestreffen 2016. , 28.09.2016, Bremen, Germany .
Alguero-Muniz, M.,
Meunier, C. L.,
Ecker, U.,
Holst, S. and
Boersma, M.
Climate change effects on early life stages of the Moon jellyfish (Aurelia aurita, Scyphomedusae): coping with ocean acidification, deoxygenation and warming.
In: PhD-Day, AWI. , 2015, Helgoland, Germany .
Alguero-Muniz, M.,
Meunier, C. L.,
Ecker, U.,
Holst, S. and
Boersma, M.
Climate change effects on early life stages of the Moon jellyfish (Aurelia aurita, Scyphomedusae): coping with ocean acidification, deoxygenation and warming.
In: European Marine Biology Symposium 2015 (EMBS 50). , 21.-25.09.2015, Helgoland, Germany .
Al-Janabi, B.,
Kruse, I.,
Graiff, A.,
Karsten, U. and
Wahl, M. 
Tolerance to climate change of early life-stage Fucus Vesiculosus varies among sibling groups.

In: 6. European Phycological Congress (EPC6). , 23.-28.08.2015, London, UK ; pp. 106-107 .
European Journal of Phycology, 50
(Suppl. 1).
Bergen, B.,
Endres, S. 
Engel, A. 
Sommer, U. and
Jürgens, K.
Effect of acidification and warming on planktonic bacterial communities during two seasonal phytoplankton bloom mesocosms.
In: ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2015. , 22.-27.02.2015, Granada, Spain .
Clemmesen, C. 
Listmann, L. 
Sswat, M. 
Stiasny, M. 
Maneja, R.,
Frommel, A.,
Geffen, A. and
Reusch, T. B. H. 
Physiological response on a new level – gene expression analysis in herring larvae in relation to CO2.
In: 39. Annual Larval Fish Conference. , 12.-16.07.2015, Wien, Austria .
Endres, S. 
Unger, J.,
Wannicke, N.,
Nausch, M.,
Voss, M. and
Engel, A. 
Response of the filamentous cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena to pCO2 - Exudation and extracellular enzymes.
In: International Workshop „Marine research and management“. , 12.06.2015, University of Riga, Latvia .
Fink, A.,
Hassenrück, C.,
Guilini, C.,
Fabricius, K. and
de Beer, D.
Sediment biogeochemistry along a natural pH gradient in a tropical coral reef.
In: Microsensor Workshop 2. , 25.05.-06.06.2015, AIMS, Townsville, Australia .
Hassenrück, C.,
Fink, A.,
Tegetmeyer, H.,
de Beer, D. and
Ramette, A.
Microbial community composition and functions in sediments of naturally CO2-rich coral reefs.
In: ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2015. , 22.-27.02.2015, Granada, Spain .
Horn, H. G.,
Sander, N.,
Alguero-Muniz, M.,
Garzke, J.,
Löder, M. G. J.,
Ludwig, A.,
Boersma, M.,
Riebesell, U. 
Aberle, N.
Life in the future ocean: effects of end-of-century warming and acidification conditions on microzooplankton.
In: AWI Science Meeting. , 27.10.2015, Bremerhaven, Germany .
Horn, H. G.,
Sander, N.,
Alguero-Muniz, M.,
Löder, M. G. J.,
Boersma, M.,
Riebesell, U. 
Aberle, N.
Does ocean acidification affect North Sea microzooplankton communities?.
In: European Marine Biology Symposium 2015. , 21.-25.09.2015, Helgoland, Germany .
Horn, H. G.,
Sander, N.,
Alguero-Muniz, M.,
Löder, M. G. J.,
Boersma, M.,
Riebesell, U. 
Aberle, N.
Effects of ocean acidification on North Sea microzooplankton communities.
In: PhD-Day, AWI. , 01.-04.06.2015, Sylt, Germany .
Horn, H. G.,
Sander, N.,
Alguero-Muniz, M.,
Löder, M. G. J.,
Boersma, M.,
Riebesell, U. 
Aberle, N.
Effects of ocean acidification on North Sea microzooplankton communities.
In: ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2015. , 22.-27.02.2015, Granada, Spain .
Kunz, K. L.,
Pörtner, H. O.,
Knust, R. and
Mark, F. C.
Ocean acidification and warming: the physiology of two gadoid species under future ocean water conditions.
[Invited talk]
In: ESSAS Annual Meeting. , 15.-17.06.2015, Seattle, WA, USA .
Kunz, K. L.,
Pörtner, H. O.,
Knust, R. and
Mark, F. C.
Warm and acidic: No problem for gadoid fish species?.
In: NOAA, Hatfield Marine Science Center. , 18.06.2015, Newport, OR, USA .
Stiasny, M. H. 
Mittermayr, A.,
Sswat, M. 
Voss, R.,
Jutfelt, F.,
Chierici, M.,
Puvanendran, V.,
Mortensen, A.,
Reusch, T. B. H. 
Clemmesen, C. 
Effects of end-of-the-century ocean acidification on Atlantic cod larvae of different populations in terms of survival, growth and recruitment to the fished stocks.
In: ICES Annual Science Conference 2015. , 21.-25.09.2015, Copenhagen, Denmark .
Tonkes, H.,
Niehoff, B.,
Freese, D. and
Sartoris, F. H.
Influence of pCO2, temperature, and feeding on the extracellular pH of Calanus glacialis during diapause.
In: ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2015. , 22.-27.02.2015, Granada, Spain .
Endres, S. 
Galgani, L.,
Riebesell, U. 
Schulz, K. G. and
Engel, A. 
Do bacteria thrive when the ocean acidifies? Results from an off-shore mesocosm study.
In: IMBER Open Science Conference FUTURE OCEAN. , 23.-27.06.2014, Bergen, Norway .
Al-Janabi, B.,
Asmus, R.,
Asmus, H.,
Bartsch, I.,
Böhm, F.,
Böttcher, M.,
Eisenhauer, A. 
Graiff, A.,
Gutow, L.,
Karsten, U.,
Kruse, I.,
Matthiessen, B.,
Mensch, B.,
Pansch, A.,
Raddatz, S.,
Schmitz, R. A.,
Tauber, I.,
Wahl, M. 
Werner, F. J. and
Winde, V.
Effects of climate change on benthic communities in the Baltic Sea – Kiel Benthocosms.

In: Akkeshi Marine Station, University of Hokkaido. , 24.10.2014, Hokkaido, Japan .
Al-Janabi, B.,
Graiff, A.,
Karsten, U.,
Wahl, M. 
Kruse, I.
Response of genetic diversity levels of early life-stage Fucus vesiculosus on two climate change parameters.
In: 15. Scientific Conference of the Phycology Section of the German Botanical Society, Stralsund. , 23.-26.02.2014, Stralsund, Germany .
Boxhammer, T. 
Bach, L. T. 
Czerny, J.,
Hildebrandt, N.,
Schulz, K. G. and
Riebesell, U. 
Vertical particle flux in acidifying oceans – Impact on future ocean carbon export potential.
In: SOPRAN Annual Meeting 2014. , 25.-26.03.2014, Bremen, Germany .
Clemmesen, C. 
Maneja, R.,
Stiasny, M. 
Frommel, A.,
Folkvord, A.,
Piatkowski, U. 
Geffen, A.
Effects of ocean acidification on otolith growth and size selective mortality of larval Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).
In: 5. International Otolith Conference. , 20.-24.10..2014, Mallorca, Spain .
Endres, S. 
Galgani, L.,
Riebesell, U. 
Schulz, K. G. and
Engel, A. 
Stimulated Bacterial Growth under Elevated pCO2: Results from an Off-Shore Mesocosm Study.
In: BIOACID Annual Meeting 2014. , 10-11.09.2014, Kiel, Germany .
Fink, A.,
Lichtschlag, A.,
Graziani, S.,
Fabricius, K. and
de Beer, D.
Sediment biogeochemistry along a natural pH/pCO2 gradient in a tropical coral reef (Normanby Island, Papua-New Guinea).
In: BIOACID Annual Meeting 2014. , 10-11.09.2014, Kiel, Germany .
Pansch, A.,
Asmus, H.,
Asmus, R.,
Mensch, B.,
Winde, V. and
Wahl, M. 
Effects of global warming and ocean acidification on benthic communities in the German Wadden Sea - examined with mesocosm experiments.
In: BIOACID Annual Meeting 2014. , 10-11.09.2014, Kiel, Germany .
Stapp, L. S.,
Thomsen, J.,
Melzner, F. 
Schade, H.,
Bock, C.,
Pörtner, H. O. and
Lannig, G.
Ocean acidification sensitivity of the Baltic blue mussel – a comparative study between sensitive and tolerant families.
In: PhD-Days AWI. , 05.-08.05.2014, Helgoland, Germany .
Stapp, L. S.,
Thomsen, J.,
Melzner, F. 
Schade, H.,
Bock, C.,
Pörtner, H. O. and
Lannig, G.
Ocean acidification sensitivity of the Baltic blue mussel – variable phenotypic responses within a population.
In: Annual Meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology. , 01.-04.07.2014, Manchester, UK .
Stapp, L. S.,
Thomsen, J.,
Melzner, F. 
Schade, H.,
Bock, C.,
Pörtner, H. O. and
Lannig, G.
Variable phenotypic response of Baltic blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) to ocean acidification: integrating cellular response and organism performance.
In: BIOACID Annual Meeting 2014. , 10-11.09.2014, Kiel, Germany .
Hassenrück, C.,
Hofmann, L.,
Fabricius, K.,
Bischof, K. and
Ramette, A.
The effect of ocean acidification on microbial biofilms on tropical coral reefs at natural CO2 vents in Papua New Guinea (BIOACID WP 3.2).
In: BIOACID Annual Meeting 2013. , 01.-02.10.2013, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany .
Schmidt, M.,
Storch, D.,
Bock, C.,
Gerlach, G.,
Munday, P. L. and
Pörtner, H. O.
Behavioural changes in response to temperature and CO2 in polar cod.
In: YouMaRes 4.0. , 11.-13.09.2013, Oldenburg, Germany .
Stapp, L. S.,
Thomsen, J.,
Melzner, F. 
Schade, H.,
Bock, C.,
Pörtner, H. O. and
Lannig, G.
WP 3.7: Adaptation and metabolic constraints of bivalve reefs to future climate change: Comparison between bivalve reefs from natural CO2 sites.
In: BIOACID II Annual Meeting. , 01.-02.10.2013, Warnemünde, Germany .
Bögner, D.,
Bickmeyer, U.,
Rödel, H. G. and
Köhler, A.
Effect of Ocean Acidification on Fertilization Success of an Arctic Sea Urchin Species, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis.
In: 3. Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World. , 24.-27.09.2012, Monterey, USA .
Frommel, A.,
Maneja, R.,
Lowe, D.,
Geffen, A. J.,
Folkvord, A.,
Piatkowski, U. 
Clemmesen, C. 
Effects of ocean acidification on the growth and organ health of Atlantic herring larvae.
In: 3. Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World. , 24.-27.09.2012, Monterey, USA .
Hauck, J.,
Arrigo, K. R.,
Hoppema, M.,
van Dijken, G. L.,
Völker, C. and
Wolf-Gladrow, D.
Dissolution of Antarctic shelf carbonates: an insignificant feedback to acidification.
In: EGU General Assembly 2012. , 22.-27.04.2012, Vienna, Austria .
Hauck, J.,
Völker, C.,
Wang, T.,
Hoppema, M.,
Losch, M. and
Wolf-Gladrow, D. A.
The Southern Ocean in a high-CO2 world: Changes in inorganic and organic carbon fluxes.
In: 3. International Symposium on The Ocean in a high-CO2 World. , 24.-27.09.2012, Monterey, USA .
Hauck, J.,
Völker, C.,
Wang, T.,
Losch, M.,
Wolf-Gladrow, D. A. and
Hoppema, M.
Southern Ocean response to the Annular Mode: Inorganic and organic carbon fluxes.
In: Climate Change in High Latitudes, 10-Years Anniversary Conference. , 03.-06.09.2012, Bergen, Norway .
Schwichtenberg, F.,
Pätsch, J.,
Lorkowski, I.,
Amann, T.,
Schartau, M. 
Thomas, H.,
Winde, V.,
Dellwig, O.,
van Beusekom, J. E. E. and
Böttcher, M.
Impact of internal and external alkalinity fluxes on the carbonate system of the larger German Bight.
In: EGU General Assembly 2012. , 22.-27.04.2012, Vienna, Austria .
Stapp, L.,
Lannig, G.,
Bock, C.,
Beckmann, M. and
Pörtner, H. O.
Cellular response to changing environmental parameters.
In: Evolutionary potential in marine populations. , 17.-21.09.2012, List, Germany .
Stapp, L. S.,
Thomsen, J.,
Melzner, F. 
Schade, H.,
Bock, C.,
Pörtner, H. O. and
Lannig, G.
WP 3.7: Adaptation and metabolic constraints of bivalve reefs to future climate change: Comparison between bivalve reefs from natural CO2 sites.
In: BIOACID II Kickoff-Meeting. , 06.-07.11.2012, Kiel, Germany .
Clemmesen, C. 
Frommel, A.,
Maneja, R.,
Geffen, A.,
Folkvord, A.,
Lowe, D.,
Malzahn, A. and
Piatkowski, U. 
Ocean Acidification effects on commercially important fish species.
In: 2. Annual Meeting of BIOACID. , 26.-30.09.2011, Bremen, Germany .
Endres, S.,
Unger, J.,
Wannicke, N.,
Nausch, M.,
Voss, M. and
Engel, A. 
Impact of ocean acidification on microbial degradation of organic matter.
In: BIOACID Annual Meeting 2011. , 26.-30.09.2011, Bremen, Germany .
Hauck, J.,
Gerdes, D. A.,
Hillenbrand, C. D.,
Hoppema, M.,
Kuhn, G.,
Nehrke, G.,
Völker, C. and
Wolf-Gladrow, D. A.
Carbonate sediments on Antarctic shelves and implications for a mechanism to buffer ocean acidification in the Southern Ocean.
In: ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting. , 13.-18.02.2011, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA .
Hauck, J.,
Gerdes, D. A.,
Hillenbrand, C. D.,
Hoppema, M.,
Kuhn, G.,
Nehrke, G.,
Völker, C. and
Wolf-Gladrow, D. A.
Distribution and mineralogy of carbonate sediments on Antarctic shelves.
In: 2. Young Scientist Excellence Cluster Conference on Marine and Climate Research. , 04.-05..10.2011, Bremen, Germany .
Hauck, J.,
Gerdes, D. A.,
Hillenbrand, C. D.,
Hoppema, M.,
Kuhn, G.,
Nehrke, G.,
Völker, C. and
Wolf-Gladrow, D. A.
Distribution and mineralogy of carbonate sediments on Antarctic shelves.
In: BIOACID Annual Meeting 2011. , 26.-30.09.2011, Bremen, Germany .
Ragazzola, F.,
Form, A.,
Foster, L.,
Büscher, J.,
Hansteen, T. H. 
Fietzke, J. 
Response of coralline alga Lithothamnion glaciale Kjellman to ocean acidification.
[Invited talk]
In: 2. BIOACID Annual Meeting. , 26.-30.09.2011, Bremen, Germany .
Ragazzola, F.,
Form, A.,
Foster, L.,
Büscher, J.,
Hansteen, T. H. 
Fietzke, J. 
Response of coralline alga Lithothamnion glaciale Kjellman to ocean acidification.
[Invited talk]
In: Goldschmidt Conference 2011. , 14.-19.08.2011, Prague, Czech Republic .
Schwichtenberg, F.,
Pätsch, J.,
Lorkowski, I.,
Schartau, M. 
Thomas, H.,
Winde, V.,
Dellwig, O.,
van Beusekom, J. E. E. and
Böttcher, M.
Impact of alkalinity fluxes on the carbon cycle in the southern North Sea.
In: YOUMARES 2.0 - Ocean amidst science, innovation and society. , 07.-09.09.2011, Bremerhaven, Germany .
Schwichtenberg, F.,
Pätsch, J.,
Lorkowski, I.,
Schartau, M. 
Thomas, H.,
Winde, V.,
Dellwig, O.,
van Beusekom, J. E. E. and
Böttcher, M.
Impact of alkalinity fluxes on the carbon cycle in the southern North Sea.
In: BIOACID Annual Meeting 2011. , 26.-30.09.2011, Bremen, Germany .
Schwichtenberg, F.,
Pätsch, J.,
Lorkowski, I.,
Schartau, M. 
Thomas, H.,
Winde, V.,
Dellwig, O.,
van Beusekom, J. E. E. and
Böttcher, M.
Impact of alkalinity fluxes on the carbon cycle in the southern North Sea between 1977 and 2006.
In: EGU General Assembly 2011. , 03.-08.04.2011, Vienna, Austria .
Unger, J.,
Wannicke, N.,
Voss, M.,
Endres, S. 
Engel, A. 
Nausch, G. and
Nausch, M.
Impact of pCO2 on P-pool changes under varying phytoplankton/bacteria ratios.
In: BIOACID Annual Meeting 2011. , 26.-30.09.2011, Bremen, Germany .
Wannicke, N.,
Unger, J.,
Endres, S. 
Nausch, M.,
Salka, I.,
Engel, A. 
Grossart, H. P. and
Voss, M.
Oceans turning sour - will it directly affect growth and production of heterotrophic bacteria? - What we have learned so far from laboratory to mesocosm experiments.
In: 2. Annual Meeting of BIOACID. , 26.-30.09.2011, Bremen, Germany .
Hauck, J.,
Hillenbrand, C. D.,
Hoppema, M.,
Kuhn, G.,
Nehrke, G.,
Völker, C. and
Wolf-Gladrow, D.
Buffering ocean acidification: Dissolution of carbonate sediments in the Southern Ocean.
In: BIOACID / EPOCA / UKOARP Meeting. , 30.09.2010, Bremerhaven, Germany .
Conference posters
Fink, A.,
Hassenrück, C.,
Guilini, K.,
Lichtschlag, A.,
Borisov, S.,
Fabricius, K. and
de Beer, D.
Century-long acidification reveals possible consequences of coral reef sediment dissolution.
In: Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016. , 21.-26.02.2016, New Orleans, USA .
Kunz, K. L.,
Claireaux, G.,
Knust, R.,
Pörtner, H. O. and
Mark, F. C.
The physiology of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) in a changing world: Impacts of ocean acidification and warming.
In: 4. International Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World. , 03.-06.05.2016, Hobart, Tasmania .
Bergen, B.,
Endres, S. 
Engel, A. 
Zark, M.,
Dittmar, T.,
Sommer, U. and
Jürgens, K.
Effect of acidification and warming on planktonic bacterial communities during two seasonal phytoplankton bloom mesocosms.
In: SAME14 - Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology. , 23.-28.08.2015, Uppsala, Sweden .
Hassenrück, C.,
Fink, A.,
Lichtschlag, A.,
Tegetmeyer, H.,
de Beer, D. and
Ramette, A.
Biogeochemical and microbial characterization of naturally CO2-rich reef sediments as in-situ laboratories for ocean acidification research.
In: SAME124- 14. Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology. , 23.-28.08.2015, Uppsala, Sweden .
Hassenrück, C.,
Fink, A.,
Lichtschlag, A.,
Tegetmeyer, H.,
de Beer, D. and
Ramette, A.
Biogeochemical and microbial characterization of naturally CO2-rich reef sediments as in-situ laboratories for ocean acidification research.
In: BIOACID II Final Meeting. , 06.-07.10.2015, Kiel, Germany .
Horn, H. G.,
Sander, N.,
Alguero-Muniz, M.,
Löder, M. G. J.,
Boersma, M. and
Aberle, N.
Ocean acidification and global warming: can we expect effects on the microzooplankton communities?.
In: BIOACID II Final Meeting. , 06.10.2015, Kiel, Germany .
Kunz, K. L.,
Claireaux, G.,
Knust, R.,
Pörtner, H. O. and
Mark, F. C.
Aerobic performance of Polar cod (Boreogadus saida) under ocean acidification and warming conditions.
In: SEB Conference. , 29.06.-03.07.2015, Prague, Czech Republic .
Langer, J. A. F.,
Sharma, R.,
Schmidt, S.,
Thines, M.,
Schwenk, K. and
Boersma, M.
Effects of ocean acidification on zooplankton: Metabarcoding results from a mesocosmos experiment.

In: BIOACID II Final Meeting. , 06.-07.10.2015, Kiel, Germany .
Wagner, H.,
Koeve, W. 
Kriest, I. 
Oschlies, A. 
Sensitivity of simulated deep ocean natural radiocarbon to gas exchange velocity and historical atmospheric ∆14C variations
In: EGU General Assembly 2015. , 12.–17.04.2015 , Vienna, Austria .
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17
Leo, E.,
Storch, D.,
Pörtner, H. O. and
Mark, F. C.
Effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming on the mitochondrial physiology of Atlantic cod.

In: 18. EBEC Conference. , 12.-17.07.2014, Lisbon, Portugal ; e26 .
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 1837
Al-Janabi, B.,
Graiff, A.,
Karsten, U.,
Kruse, I. and
Wahl, M. 
Does genetic diversity of F. vesiculosusgermlings confer resistance towards climate change stress?.
In: BIOACID Annual Meeting 2014. , 10-11.09.2014, Kiel, Germany .
Clemmesen, C. 
Stiasny, M. 
Sswat, M. 
Impact of ocean acidification and warming on cod larvae.
In: BIOACID Workshop Consortium 4 "Effects of ocean acidification in a warming climate on species interactions at distribution boundaries: mechanisms and consequences at ecosystem level". , 03.09.2014, Kiel, Germany .
Kunz, K. L.,
Knust, R. and
Mark, F. C.
Effects of ocean acidification and warming on growth and food consumption of juvenile Polar cod, Boreogadus saida.
In: POLMAR, PhD Days. , 05.-08.05.2014, AWI, Bremen, Germany .
Al-Janabi, B.,
Graiff, A.,
Kruse, I.,
Wahl, M. 
Karsten, U. and
Käse, L.
The role of genetic diversity levels on sensibility to global change in early life-stage macroalgae.
In: BIOACID Annual Meeting 2013. , 01.-02.10.2013, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany .
Fink, A.,
Hassenrück, C.,
Lichtschlag, A.,
Glas, M.,
Graziani, S.,
Fabricius, K.,
Ramette, A. and
de Beer, D.
Temporal and spatial habitat characterization, sediment biogeochemistry and microbial community changes along a natural pH/pCO2 gradient in a tropical coral reef (WP 3.1).
In: BIOACID Annual Meeting 2013. , 01.-02.10.2013, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany .
Hauck, J.,
Völker, C.,
Wang, T.,
Hoppema, M.,
Losch, M. and
Wolf-Gladrow, D. A.
Response of carbon fluxes to the Southern Annular Mode: The role of export production and seasonality.
In: 45. International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics: The variability of primary production in the ocean: from the synoptic to the global scale. , 13.-17.05.2013, Liege, Belgium .
Kunz, K. L.,
Windisch, H.,
Knust, R. and
Mark, F. C.
Effects of ocean acidification and warming on growth and food consumption of juvenile Polar cod, Boreogadus saida.
In: BIOACID Annual Meeting 2013. , 01.-02.10.2013, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany .
Pansch, A.,
Asmus, H.,
Asmus, R.,
Sokol, S. and
Wahl, M. 
Multi-stressors and multi-community approaches in order to better predict future climate changes.
In: BIOACID II Annual Meeting 2013. , 01.-02.10.2013, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany .
Schade, H.,
Thomsen, J.,
Werner, F. J.,
Hassenrück, C. and
Melzner, F. 
Vulnerability of marine ecosystems to ocean acidification under differential energy availability: a field study.
In: BIOACID Annual Meeting 2013. , 01.-02.10.2013, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany .
Schwichtenberg, F.,
Pätsch, J.,
Amann, T.,
Schartau, M. 
Thomas, H.,
Winde, V.,
Dellwig, O.,
van Beusekom, J. E. E.,
Böttcher, M.,
Grashorn, S. and
Salt, L.
Impact of internal and external Alkalinity fluxes on the carbonate system in the German Bight / SE North Sea – A model study for the years 2001 – 2009.