The Executive Board, chaired by the project coordinator, will be the overall decisive body of the project. The EB will oversee the scientific progress to ensure the timely completion of all project commitments. It will advise the coordinator and project manager in all relevant aspects of project/data management and outreach activities. It will provide recommendation for and actively participate in policy advice. The EB will ensure that sufficient management is in place for monitoring the scientific work in project and perform quality control informing the coordinator of any problems and risks encountered.
The Executive Board will decide on the following issues:
- any major change in the scientific plans
- any major budget reallocation between partners
- any alteration of the management structure and management procedures
- any change in the advisory bodies
- Ulf Riebesell (GEOMAR)
Deputy coordinator
- Hans-Otto Pörtner (AWI)
Theme leaders
- Thorsten Dittmar (Uni Oldenburg)
- Maren Voss (IOW)
- Martin Wahl (GEOMAR)
- Ulf Karsten (Universität Rostock)
- Felix Mark (AWI)
- Stefan Gößling-Reisemann (Universität Bremen)
READ MORE: BIOACID Committees // Scientific Advisory Board // Members’ General Assembly