Der deutsche Forschungsverbund zur Ozeanversauerung und seine Partner setzen sich bei den Klimaverhandlungen für den Ozean ein

Gemeinsam mit dem Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Labex MER, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, der Ocean and Climate Platform und dem Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre setzt sich der deutsche Forschungsverbund zur Ozeanversauerung, BIOACID (Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification) bei den Klimaverhandlungen in Marrakesch COP22 für Ozeanthemen ein.
Die Partner begrüßen COP22-Teilnehmer und Besucher an ihren beiden Informationsständen im UN-Bereich und in der öffentlichen “Green Zone” (C119) und beteiligen sich an einer Reihe offizieller Side Events.
Journalisten sind herzlich eingeladen, die BIOACID-Wissenschaftler und ihre Kollegen vor Ort zu kontaktieren.
Ausgewählte Veranstaltungen (in englischer Sprache):
Mittwoch, 9. November 2016
UN-Bereich, EU-Pavillon
Changing oceans and seas around the world: Implications for mitigation & adaptation
Recent assessments of ocean warming, acidification, deoxygenation and sea-level rise identified serious risks to marine ecosystems, fisheries, and coastal livelihoods and infrastructure. The Paris Agreement recognised the ocean and its ecosystems and the need to ensure their integrity and protect their biodiversity. A panel of international experts (involved in UN assessment reports, and national, EU, international and intergovernmental programmes) will provide an integrated and updated perspective on the climate related changes, risks and projections for both natural and human ocean systems and make mitigation and adaptation recommendations for future UNFCCC processes. It will highlight why the ocean provides further compelling arguments for rapid and rigorous CO2 emission reduction and why the implementation of the Paris Agreement must also minimize the impacts on the ocean. Panel presentations will be followed by open discussion with the audience.
Freitag, 11. November 2016
UN-Bereich, Ägyptischer Pavillon
An African perspective: Changing oceans, the impact on society and the need for solutions, planning and implementation
Freitag, 11. November 2016
UN-Bereich, Mediterranean
Our Ocean: World’s largest carbon sink and ecosystem under rapid change; challenges and actions
Global assessments of ocean warming, acidification, deoxygenation and sea-level rise identified serious risks to marine ecosystems, fisheries and coastal livelihoods. Experts from across the globe discuss oceans, climate and society; impacts, solutions and recommendations for future UNFCCC actions.
Sonnabend, 12. November 2016
Oceans Action Day at COP 22
The Oceans Action Day at COP 22 will bring together leaders in the UNFCCC negotiations, high-level representatives from governments, intergovernmental and international organizations, and civil society to advance the oceans and climate change agenda at COP 22 and beyond. The major objectives are to:
– highlight examples of adoption and implementation of the Paris Agreement;
– lend political support and provide suitable policy options in the implementation of actions on oceans, seas, coasts, and small island developing States (SIDS) issues in the context of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 14 on oceans and seas;
– connect the oceans, coasts and climate initiatives generated at and following COP 21 with national actions plans, initiatives and commitments, such as the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the SDGs (as called for in the Road Map for Global Climate Action);
– showcase and promote financial support and capacity development to enable nations to fulfill their NDCs, with special emphasis on oceans, seas and coasts, and on the concerns from SIDS and African States;
– develop specific next steps for advancing the oceans and climate issues in the UNFCCC process in the next phase, as part of the Road Map for Global Climate Action, and to implement UN SDG 14.
The Oceans Action Day at COP 22, part of the UNFCCC Global Climate Action Agenda, is organized under the leadership of H.E. Minister Hakima El Haité, High-Level Champion for Climate Change, Morocco, and H.E. Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Morocco. The main organizers of Oceans Action Day at COP 22 are the Government of Morocco, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the Global Ocean Forum, and the Ocean and Climate Platform. The co-organizers include the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission/UNESCO, the Ocean Policy Research Institute, Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Japan, the Oceano Azul Foundation and Oceanario de Lisboa, Portugal, and the World Bank.